As i mention on the headline, that would be amazing to have short-cuts for time correction on secondary subtitles just like primary subtitles. I am German and i have Chinese girlfriend. And we are watching movies in English. So we are using subtitles in German and Chinese at the same time. I can change the time of primary subtitle but i cant correct the time for secondary subtitle. Maybe there is such a feature but i cant find. I made a search but i couldnt find. It would be very good to have this feature on bs player. Thank you :)
The easiest way is to download correct subtitles for both languages, so no adjustment is needed. We will add the shortcut.
--------------------- Почему мужчины такие серьёзные? У них есть эта клёвая длинная штука, которая поднимается и опускается, когда захочет. Если бы я была мужчиной, то постоянно бы смеялась над собой.Йоко Оно.
I was waiting for the answer and checking the page everyday. Thank you very much for the reply! :smile Im looking forward for this feature! Thank you. :happyroll: