Mounting an image in Daemon, and then burning using cd copy in Nero greatly reduces your chances of errors in the output CDs. Nearly every cd burning software in existence can burn the image directly from the hard drive, that's not the problem. The goal is to get a flawless burn, and this is the best method devised so far.
--------------------- Tune the exotics by profession but Bimmas are what I drive!
As the errors only occur towards the end of your discs, imho this is not a burning speed issue, but rather an overburning issue with the cd-rs you are currently using. dvd2svcd often produces bins which will force you to slightly overburn, and as not all cd-rs are created equal, they will offer you more or less of an overburn margin. Either try another brand of CD-Rs or try reducing the CD size in the bitrate tab of dvd2svcd by 5 or 10 megs. NB: I'd say that cdrwin up to ver. 4.x is a rather excellent program ... however their name was bought (?) and now some rather dubious p.o.s. software is sold as "CDRWin 5.0".