I get daily, random crashes with both Philharmonik and PianoTeq and Reaper... With Piano Teq it says... Faulting application reaper.exe version faulting module pianoteq23.dll version fault address 0x00128157 With Philharmonik it says.. Faulting application reaper.exe version faulting module philharmonk.vpa version fault address 0x0009c034 Heres another one that I get alot... Faulting application reaper exe version faulting module msvcrt.dll version 7.0.2600.5512 fault adress 0x00025b61 (I read that it can be fixed if I replace the msvcrt.dll with one with a later date.. another website said use the msvcrt.dll that is version 6.0 instead of 7.0) I also got a random error today that said... Faulting application reaper.exe version faulting module unknown version fault address 0x00000000 By the way ALL of these plugins work fine in my other DAW Traction. (but Traction is super lame) If anyone has any advice I would REALLY appreciate it! Ely
--------------------- Vic328CSi $50k BMW $8k in mods Repairs, priceless