A couple of Render window nit picks: Bigger pic: - can the text in the filename box be right-aligned to avoid having to drag through it to scroll it? It is much more likely that you'll want to change the filename rather than edit the path. - on the second window I feel that the [Close] and [Back] buttons are not in intuitive places; I think they should be swapped over.
--------------------- __________________ 2006 E46 M3 - 6MT AW/Cinn 2003 E39 540i M-Sport w/ 3.15 LSD 1995 E36 M3 - Track Only 1997 E36 328is - retired 1987 E30 325is - retired Eric Kaul BMW CCA Boston Chapter - Member HotCalls Motorsport - Driver Follow us at: http://www.