Hello Folks, Not really sure if this has been mentioned before, or if I have overlooked it in the Manual, but here goes.... In Cubase SX, and even the Freeware Kristal Audio Engine, I could organize my effects into folders. Along with having all of my PSP, Stillwell, Bootsie, Kjaerhus, Waves, etc in there own folders (and them sorted by EQ, Reverb, etc), I could also have all those loose "one off" VST's that come in handy, but don't really fit anywhere, in there own separate folders. Then, when I opened the Effects page I had a list of the loose ones, and then the names of the folders that can then be opened to a "drop down" list of what was in there, and then open any folder in THAT one, etc....typical Windows style. With Reaper, the best it can do is list ALL of the Effects, or ALL of the VST's, or ALL of the DX effects, etc, in one HUGE window that is extremely cluttered to my eye. I understand that I have a Favorite Folder, and I use that for my A-List "Go To's", but I also like to audition other VST's, depending on the tune - track - my mood - etc. A more organized Effects Page is my request. If this has been done, and I am missing a setting, or a way to do what I have described, PLEASE let me know! Thanks.
--------------------- -Pete 1995 525i w/ some visual goodies. CheapBastidRacing.com - "Our pockets are as tight as our...... pants" LRRS/CCS #182
You can do it:): -- work out what folders you want and in what order -- in the FX Browser, right-click in the left-hand panel, select Create new folder, -- type in the name of your folder -- do that for all your folders - -right-click on each FX, select Add To and pick the oflder you want it to be in -- do that for all your FX -- you can put an Fx into more than one folder, you only creating references to them. HTH
--------------------- "...time to burn some dust...eat my rubber."
Way Cool! THANK YOU for pointing this out, I TOTALLY overlooked this! I REALLY need to get use to this Right Click to find everything...I'll get it eventually....Thanks Again!:cool: