hello in my new song, a have a track with a VSTi synth. there's a small part of that track where i want to use additional filter from PSP Nitro. so i splitted my MIDI track and tried to apply an fx only to the short part by right-clicking that item -> Take -> Show fx chain for active take -> choosing Nitro FX. everything seems fine, but there's no filter sound - it's still just a synth. yes, i loaded a preset to the nitro. so... what's wrong? how to apply an fx to only a short part of the track? best regards
--------------------- 05 Black Sapphire 330i ZHP 99 Alpine White ///M3 (traded, but not forgotten)
AFAIK, the item FX are applied before the track FX. So the PSP Nitro FX is applied to the MIDI notes (=> no effect) then the output is sent to the track FX (the synth). What you could do is: -- add PSP Nitro to the track after the synth, -- add a Bypass envelope for PSP Nitro, -- enable it for the section where you want to apply the FX. HTH
--------------------- 96 Arctic Silver M3 - Kuhmo Estcas on Hartge Type D 18's, PAR Intake, Sharked, Elipsoids w/ Gen Iv HID Blue DDE's and smoke corners/SuperFog, TMS LTW flywheel & TME's, X-Brace, JT RSM's,ConeCam video gear & stealth mounted V1 w/ InV1siMirror,JT under